Ending with Goodwill


After 53 years as a professional educator, I am accustomed to the yearly academic cycle, ending with graduation and commencement in May and June.

However, for me, 2024 culminates with both a graduation and a commencement. I have graduated from living in houses (19 in 54 years) to a studio apartment in a senior community, Parkview, in the Gateway area of northeast Portland. I now reside in the same zip code as I did as a child and teen, 97220.

My commencement begins December 17th, as I fly away to United Kingdom to live for six months. Taking full advantage of my passport. I will stay with my daughter and her husband, Katie and Ian. I plan to write, to travel and to share with you my progress in marketing Dual of Weddenskeep, and Doggie Devotionals, from which the following comes:

Angels sang of “goodwill” to humankind. But it is risky to show goodwill in this sorry, sin-sick world.  We may be misunderstood, ignored or, even worse, snubbed and rebuked. So, most of us are careful of how, when, and to whom we show goodwill. We judge them before willing to do good to them. Not my sweet, red-haired dachshund, Sam. He gives them friendly attention without any pre-judgment, and I’m gently encouraged to do the same.                               

Linda Highman    ~author and tutor~

“Let your light shine…so that people will see your works and glorify the Father.” Mt. 5:16